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The Texas Heroes Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization with goals to educate and involve children in Texas history.

The cost of time and finances needed to invest in our children’s interest in Texas is high. The Texas Heroes Foundation has given almost $15,000 to students in the last few years for their project-studies in Texas history. In addition to student scholarships, other significant expenses include supplies, school packets, advertising/marketing and special events and presentation. Presentations of historical music, musicians and cultural demonstrations by Native Americans, Frontiersmen, ranching and bull riding . This is where we hope you might join us.

We are asking for your support so that this event can continue to grow and meet the goal of getting our kids interested in preserving the rich heritage of Texas History. 

Please look over the attached Sponsorship Levels and see if you can contribute to the worthy cause of maintaining the knowledge of Texas history. It starts with our kids… and You.

Thank you,

Texas Heroes Foundation Board Members: Bill Miller, Peggy Freeman, , Danny Shipman, John Lewis, Cindy Peters, John Campbell 


The Texas Heroes Foundation seeks, and appreciates, donations that will be used for the Texas Independence Day Celebration in North Texas.

$10,000 Contribution A TRUE TEXAS HERO!

* Major billing at the beginning of each segment of music by our announcer.

* Name and Logo on a large, personal banner placed on the stage area

* Name and Logo on the Front Cover of the printed program

* Written billing on the inside front cover of the printed program. Logo and Mission Statement can be included as well as an explanation of why they chose to support the Texas Independence Day Celebration.

* Written billing on all posters and hand bills

* Sponsorship of one of the MAJOR attractions, such as Musicians, Re-enactors, Storytelling, Living History or the Chuck Wagon Cook-Off with Name and Logo signage located on the attraction

* Logo display on signage around the city during the event

* Facebook and web-site banners

    • Recognition as a TRUE TEXAS HERO Sponsor all Radio Spots

$5,000 Contribution TEXAS DEFENDER!

* Periodic billing from the stage at the beginning of each segment of music by our announcer

* Written billing on the inside front cover of the printed program. Logo and Mission Statement can be included as well as an explanation of why they chose to support the Texas Independence Day Celebration.

* Logo on all posters and hand bills

* Sponsorship of one of the MAJOR attractions, such as Musicians, Re-enactors, Storytelling, Living History  with Name and Logo signage located on the attraction

* Facebook and web-site banners

    • Recognition as a TEXAS DEFENDER Sponsor on Radio Spots

$2,500 Contribution TEXAS PATRIOT!

* Periodic billing from the stage at the beginning of each segment of music by our announcer

* Name and Logo on the inside of the printed program.

* Logo on all posters and hand bills

* Sponsorship of one of the MAJOR attractions, such as Musicians, Re-enactors, Storytelling, Living History 

* Logo display on signage around the city during the event

* Facebook and web-site banners

* Recognition as a TEXAS PATRIOT sponsor on some Radio Spots

$1,500 Contribution TEXAS FIGHTER!

* Name and Logo on the inside of the printed program.

* Logo display on signage around the city during the event

* Facebook and web-site banners

Listed on website:

Texas Champion 1000 to 1499

Texas Volunteer 500 to 999

Sponsoring Senior Scholarships – starts at $500

Texas Friend 100 to 499

Sponsoring a Division (Art, Project, Manuscript, Video, Performing Arts, WebDesign)  Awards are  $700.

Sponsoring a First Place Award in group or individual is $100

A sponsor can create an Special Award starting at $100 up to any amount you like.  Currently we have  the Green Fox Lake Granbury Award $100 (given to the editor’s choice in manuscripts) and the Crockett Family Award (given to the Crockett Family’s $100 choice in any division and level.

Texas Contributor 0 to 100 Recieve a beautiful photo book as a Sponsor of the Texas Heroes. (This gift is made possible by Hood County Development #1)

Sponsoring a Second Place Individual Award is $50 

Sponsoring a Third Place Individual Award is $25