The Texas Flags are Flying

Texas Independence Day is March 2 and North Centeral Texas is waving the flag to honor our ancestors, Texians and Tejanoes who won our freedom from dictators in 1836.  Walk around the Hood County Court House and Acton by the gravesite of Elizabeth Crockett and read each tag.  March 2 meet the heroes.  Bring your…

Mystery and History

Do you love Mystery and History? The story of Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne and his once-lost pistol would be an excellent entry in the www.March2Texas Student History Fair. Patrick Cleburne was also called the “Stonewall of the West.”  Learn more here.

Of the estimated 189 men who died in the Alamo, only six were actually born in Texas: Juan Abamillo, Juan A. Badillo, Carlos Espalier, Gregorio Esparza, Antonio Fuentes, and Andrés Nava. Juan Abamillo was a native Tejano who had volunteered to serve in the Texas Revolution under the command of Juan N. Seguín. He had…


Heroes Navarro and Zavala

Tejanos — Hispanics who were born in what would later become Texas — were an important part in the fight for Texas independence. Jose Antonio Navarro and Lorenzo de Zavala were part of the signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2,1836. ln 1836, about 4,000 Tejanos lived north of the Nueces River….