Selfie Scavenger Hunt – Texas Independence Day North Texas

“Selfie” Scavenger Hunt The Texas Independence Day Celebration “True courage is completing the things you say, while cowardice is just saying the things you wish to complete.” ~ William Barrett Travis Do you have the courage to complete the Texas Independence Day Celebration “Selfie” Scavenger Hunt? Would you like to win $50? Help keep Texas…

Students, Parents and Teachers

Students, Parents & Teachers Join the Texas Independence Day Student History Fair Win Cash Prizes and a Scholarship. Students in Hood County and surrounding communities are invited to enter  the 2015 Student History Fair. Categories include: individual papers, videos, projects, and art projects about Texas History centered around 1800s Texas, from independence through statehood.  …

Upload Images

Use this form to enter the Selfie Scavenger Hunt.  Enter your name and email address, and upload seven photos with descriptions.  All form fields are required.  Don’t forget to post your photos to your social media accounts.  Check the box next each social media website to which you uploaded your photos. [cfdb-datatable form=”Upload Photos” show=”your-name,your-email,img-1,img-2,img-3,img-4,img-5,img-6,img-7″ role=”Subscriber” permissionmsg=”false” headers=”your-name=Name,your-email=Email,img-1=Photo 1,img-2=Photo 2,img-3=Photo…


Remember the Alamo, Goliad and Texas Independence

TEACHERS, PARENTS AND STUDENTS Share this information with everyone you know who loves Texas History and wants to remember the Alamo, Goliad and the heroes who created a free republic and took us into statehood. SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS, CASH PRIZES K-12 HISTORY FAIR. ART, VIDEOS, PROJECTS AND MANUSCRIPTS SHOWING RESEARCH.

Texas Independence Celebration 2015 Volunteer’s Search

Volunteers Needed!  Planned Activities for 2015 Texas Independence Day Celebration of North Texas at Granbury February 28 and March 1, 2015  (All plans pending.) Vendors around the Square offering crafts, homemade products, items of Texas in 1800s Parade from GISD Admin to Square with entries of Old Texas – and Lots of horses. Chuck Wagon…