The Texas Heroes Foundation is a 501(c)(3) with the mission to educate individuals of all ages about the history of the State of Texas in order to preserve its accuracy, encourage appreciation for its richness and raise funds to accomplish these goals.


Student Texas History Fair

Last week in February

In celebration of March 2, 1836, when Texas declared independence from Mexico.  Students around Hood County in grades 3-12 are invited to participate in the Student Texas History Fair by submitting a project in one of five categories.  Every year thousands of dollars are awarded to the winning participants at the Awards Ceremony.

Texas Heroes Flag Display

Displayed April 21st – Through 3rd Weekend in May

Celebrating San Jacinto Day and honoring our Texas Heroes.  Each flag displays a hero of the Texas Revolution with a short biography. 

Sponsor a Flag Today!

Stroll Thru Texas History

3rd Weekend in May

Celebrate the signing of the treaty that gave birth to the Republic of Texas in 1836.  Journey back to 1800’s Texas as we meet heroes like Travis, Crockett, Houston, Bowie, Seguin & more. Visit the Elizabeth Crockett Memorial, Enjoy Black Powder Cannon Demonstrations, Reenactments, Native American customs and interactive presentations. Plus, eat great food and listen to period music.


Help Preserve the Rich Heritage of Texas.

Support and Volunteer!